Wednesday, November 01, 2006

School Garden Group

Students with Papaya Honduras
Hola Gente,
You are missing something big if you haven't open an account on FLICKR, the best photo sharing website out there.
Taking advantage of such technology, I've created a group of School Gardens around the world. Ideally, people will post picture of school gardens and share their experiences with them. But hey, just pics are fine. We already have 6 member (not bad...the group was created yesterday!!), but I want to see more. Thus, YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED
Stay tuned for a more detail analysis on the many benefits of School Gardens. In the meantime check out the group's pictures.

Also, check out The Growing Connection, an initiative to "link people and cultures in a revolutionary campaign that introduces low-cost water efficient and sustainable food growing innovations hand in hand with wireless IT connectivity. It provides a sound educational foundation, and offers hundreds of families, both in America and abroad, a concrete opportunity to earn income and climb out of desperation".
Photo Credit: Sustainable Harvest International. Original Link

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