Thursday, July 13, 2006

Photo Gallery of Lesotho: Agriculture, Faces, and Landscapes

In January 2005 I had the wonderful opportunity to visit the Kingdom of Lesotho. Located in Southern Africa, this country is one of the three in the world completely landlocked by another country (South Africa).

Lesotho, the Switzerland of Africa, offers beautiful landscapes, delicious food, and best of all welcoming people. This characteristic allowed me to go a little beyond the tourist eye and explore the culture of the Basotho.

Today, after months of procrastination and with a unlimited capacity account on FLCKR, I decided to scan the pictures I took in my trip to Lesotho. One by one you’ll see small details that make this country uniquely stunning. I’ve tried to add as much information as possible on each photo but as you may know “A picture is worth a thousand words”.

There are two photo sets: one on Lesotho in general available HERE and another on Lesotho’s Agricultural Sector available HERE.



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